I am deeply indebted to my teacher Robert Adams and dedicate this website to his memory.
Everything I, as well as many others, have done with respect to Robert’s Satsang talks and transcripts follows the personal direction we received from Robert, and in keeping with my own teacher's tradition, I offer the same personal direction to my students that Robert gave to his on June 9, 1991:
“These transcripts, by the way, are for your own personal use and you can share them with your friends.”
Robert also said in another Satsang:
“The fellow who prints them up, went to a lot of trouble so he was charging for them so I told him not to do that. I think the way we should do it is when we get some of these lessons some of us should make five or ten copies each and hand them out to each other. That would be the best way, so Ed doesn't have to make two-hundred copies by himself.
Robert also clarified further that the teaching should be free at the end of his July 14, 1991 Satsang:
Student: Robert I would just like to clarify this... What is a true guru-devotee relationship. Is it a dependency relationship or is it ah... free?
Robert: I do not make any comments on other teachers, but truth teachings since the beginning of time have always been free. There should be no charge and no obligation for anybody to come to a true guru or a teaching. But the real guru is within yourself. God, Guru and Self are one.
Fortunately, now that we have the Internet, there is no need to laboriously print and distribute copies, so please download and share my teaching with whomever you wish.
~ Ed Muzika
For whatever reasons, there are some who claim I was never a student of Robert's, and was not close to Robert, even though there is a great deal of written and published evidence to the contrary.
For the life of me, I do not understand why anyone would seek to stifle the messages of those who were taught by Robert.
A thousand voices and different expressions of how Robert impacted each of their lives ― and the understanding they got from Robert ― would not be enough to portray his eloquence and power.
This is like saying no one can talk about Christ or his teachings unless they were one of the original twelve disciples, or no one can talk about Buddha and his teachings unless one were a Patriarch of some branch of Buddhism or another.