Great gratitude goes to Joan Burtner for allowing us to publish her beautiful poems. Our Sangha has its own Rumi!
Please see the full collection of poems below ― which is growing so check back frequently! ❦
Not Really Poems
These are not really poems.
They are sketches of a Heart opening in slow motion.
Those that have eyes to see will need no explanations.
Those that have ears to hear will need no interpretations.
~ Joan Burtner August 29, 2011
❦ Our Poem
My Beloved, let me ask you something.
When you woke up the Universe this morning, Tell me, did the sun shrink back in shyness at the glory of your presence?
Did the majestic mountains prostrate themselves at your feet? Did the birds finally get their chattery act together and sing sweet harmonies in your ear?
Did the butterflies gently kiss your cheeks? Did the flowers of the field give up their fragrance to anoint you?
Did the trees of the field wave and clap giddily as you passed by? Did all beings, sentient and insentient stand and salute you?
Did the whole Universe humble itself, realizing it shines by Your borrowed light?
If not, then my Love, we have some serious problems.
What is to become of a world that forgets its only purpose for existence?
~ Joan Burtner August 2011
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