Template for future intensives: DATE: Saturday, November 5, 2011 Doors Open at 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time, be seated BEFORE 10:00 a.m.
Edji has requested no smoking, eating, drinking, taking notes or any other activity during the sessions. This includes not even drinking water!
Have telephones, cell phones, Skype, email and anything else that might be a distraction turned off! Put a note on your front door... "DO NOT DISTURB on All Day Video Conference Call!"
There will be several one hour breaks at approximately 2 hours intervals during which time you can eat, drink, etc. but try to maintain quiet, don't get busy with phone calls and replying to emails or surfing the Internet!
Remember: This is an ALL DAY intensive.
If you have a poor Internet connection, try joining the audio portion only, do not click on Join the Video Conference button. This will lessen your bandwidth requirements.
TIME: Doors Open at 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time, be seated BEFORE 10:00 a.m.
TIME: Start Time: approximately 10:00 a.m. Los Angeles, Pacific Time
End Time: approximately 9:00 p.m. Los Angeles, Pacific Time
COST: Free FORMAT: Similar to a Satsang - there will be chanting, Edji talking/reading, meditation, etc.
WHERE: There will be formal breaks where the meeting room will be closed down and then opened up again so you will have to log out and log back in.
Do not join using WiFi if at all possible. We realize this might not be possible if you are booking into a hotel for this event so check with your hotel to see what type of connection options they provide, and how stable their WiFi connection is if that is the only option.
PARTICIPATION: Everyone is welcome, however, if you commit to participating, you will be expected to stay for the whole day if at all possible... please contact us if you will only be able to do a partial day.
ATTIRE: Make sure you wear something comfortable, this will be a long day.
CHECKING YOUR TIME ZONE: Be very careful checking your equivalent time zone for this event as daylight savings time ends and many countries now have different dates that they change the clocks back an hour. See this link for your equivalent time:
Do you want to attend but don't have a good enough computer? There are many places that will rent a new laptop by the day so check this out if your current computer is not good enough.
Do you want to attend but don't have a good enough Internet connection? Visit a friend or family member :-) Book into a hotel. Ask the boss at work if you can bring a sleeping bag and stay over on the weekend. Be creative! :-)